
Hey my loves, it’s been a while I know. Just wanted to let guys a new one shot is up. It’s different from my usual material but I think you’ll still enjoy the content. I was hoping to get it up before Halloween but being the perfectionist I am it took me a little longer. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always thank you so very much for all your love and support it means the world to me


Hey my loves, it’s been a while I know. Just wanted to let guys a new one shot is up. It’s different from my usual material but I think you’ll still enjoy the content. I was hoping to get it up before Halloween but being the perfectionist I am it took me a little longer. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always thank you so very much for all your love and support it means the world to me


Hey my loves I know it’s been a while.... hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there. Been wanting  to write as of late and I will be getting reacquainted with my laptop soon and not Jared soon. Hopefully (crossing my fingers) I’ll get back into a regular writing schedule super soon.  For now I have written a special sweet shot for my sweet @dirtybirdie to Celebrate her Birthday today. Hope you enjoy, hope to write more super soon 


Hey my loves sorry for the excruciatingly long wait. I really really really have to stop taking so long to update. Life is always chaotic and this time of the year as some of you might know is not easy for me but I’m hanging in there. 
          I have found a sudden burst of inspiration and I intended to run with it. Looking forward to a more frequent update schedule. Writing is my passion and I love to share the inner workings of my mind with all of you. Thank you for all your love and support of my stories it means the world to me. Love you all so very much. Hope you enjoy the new chapter and happy reading 


Ok Nina here with your quarterly update..... seriously thought has it been that long... yikes !!! 
          I really have to stop updating so infrequently, life has just gotten in the way lately but I have been continuing to write and brainstorm future chapters. I also wanted to make mention of a small part of this chapter where I mention Fort Wilderness, as most of you know Malibu was ravaged by a large wildfire that came so dangerously close to our beloved camp. Thankfully the brave firefighters stayed onsite to ensure the safety of our beloved camp and I am very happy to report that save for a single building, Fort wilderness and some of the outlining landscapes the campsite is safe and sound. 
          On a more personal note.... life is starting to resemble some kind of normal.  I still have some pending bumps in the road but hopefully nothing that will prevent me from updating on a more frequent schedule. As always thank you so much for all your love and support so incredibly grateful for each and everyone one of you who have and continue to read my work. A new chapter Of 50 Shades is up for you to enjoy, love you all to Mars and back. Happy reading


I’m just as bad if not worse 


Hey my loves I know it been a while since I’ve updated. To say life has been chaotic is an understatement. I was lucky enough to attend Camp Mars this years and while camp planning and packing kept me busy the weeks leading up to it it was the weeks that followed that really took a toll on my heart and my very soul. So much so that I pretty much removed myself from social media altogether. Thankfully life is returning to some kind of normal and with that normalcy has come the desire to write once more. With that I’d like to say thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your love and support but most of all your patience. I will be updating 50 Shades in a few minutes so make sure to join me for a trip down memory to Camp Mars ..... 50 Shades style. Happy reading xoxoxoxo


OMG.....OMG..... Someone please pinch me!!!!!! 50 Shades of Leto has officially reached 100k reads !!!!! Oh my God I am beyond happy. Thank you, thank you so so much for all your love and support it means the absolute world to me. When I first started writing 50 Shades I knew I had something special in my hands but I never imagined all the love this particular piece would receive. Thank you just doesn’t seem enough but thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love you all to Mars and back. I don’t exactly have a clear idea as to were I’ll be taking this piece next but I hope you’ll love it just as much as when you began reading it. In the meantime I have an update coming real soon, happy reading Xoxoxo <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


@user08634485 Thank you so so much. I’m still in shock, so happy you’re loving it so much xoxo


@nina_jjleto Congrats! All the reads are well deserved <3


Hey my loves sorry for the 3 week hiatus but I’m back and a new page is up for you to enjoy. Happy reading .
          As always thank you so much for all your love and support it means the world to me. More 50 Shades to come soon xoxoxo 


Hey my loves hope you’re having as much fun reading 50 Shades as I am writing it. A new page just went up, hope  you enjoy it. As always thank you for all your love and support it means the world to me. Love you all to Mars and back. Happy reading xoxoxo 


Hey my loves a new page just went up for you to enjoy. I’m currently working on a more frequent updating schedule, as always thank you so much for your patience. Thank you for all the love and support for this story still can’t believe how close it is to 100k. Love you all to Mars and back, more to come soon.
          Nina xoxoxo


Hey my loves a new page is up for you to enjoy. I’m still in shock when I see all the love and support this story has received. I still can’t believe it’s almost 5k away from 100k reads. Thank you just doesn’t seem to be enough but thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love you all to Mars and back. More new pages coming soon. Happy reading 