
also thank you) 81 people read the story and it has 19 stars together from all of the parts! thank you so much <3


Hi,I'm sorry for not posting anything I'm on vacation,but I'm leaving tomorrow so I'll be more active. Hopefully new part will be posted today,but I'm not sure. Anyways enjoy last days of  summer! (at least for me this week is last summer week) Have a nice day <333


Chapter 7 is published now! I hope you like it. <3 Also I kinda changed the title style,but the next parts are also going to have a different title style (I changed the chapter 6 title,but then I decided I'm not gonna change the previous ones) Have a nice day xx


Hi! I'm sorry that I haven't posted new part of "In the Name of Love" it's because chapters 1-4 I had in my phone in Notes like some random story,then I decided to write on Wattpad. The rest I had to think of. I don't have any GOOD ideas now,I'm sorry about that :( . Hopefully new part is coming soon. xx


Hey guys! I hope you like my story "In the Name of Love". Next part coming soon! Btw. I had no idea what the name should be so it's a song from Martin Garrix and Bebe Rexha. Love is gonna be there,but no spoilers haha. Have a nice day! xx