
Removing my stories here and leaving Wattpad behind. It feels like some of my stories, especially the short English ones, had been used by some people for their projects. Despite saying no. It's sad. Thank you Wattpad for bringing me a new hobby when I needed it. A lot of things changed. I hope everyone finds what they need in life.


Removing my stories here and leaving Wattpad behind. It feels like some of my stories, especially the short English ones, had been used by some people for their projects. Despite saying no. It's sad. Thank you Wattpad for bringing me a new hobby when I needed it. A lot of things changed. I hope everyone finds what they need in life.


Hello~ I know I've been inactive and I haven't posted anything for a long while. But some are asking me to "borrow" my story. No, they're not up for review or something you'll pass in your class. These stories especially my short stories are very personal to me. I love them to bits, regardless if they're good or not. I posted them here (and haven't taken them down) so others will have something to connect with as they read or something to escape to when they want to. Thank you for your understanding.  Please stay safe and healthy!