
Okay, so this is the first time I've visited Wattpad in months. Let me tell you, I'm not exactly pleased. I left to explore other options (still doing, not coming back ANYTIME SOON for good) and stumbled across a few things I didn't like.
          	1. ChickLit
          	When I say I'm not happy with this, I don't mean I hate the genre (though it isn't my favorite). I decided to check out the first pages of many of the most popular submissions to this site. Lo and behold, half of what was on the Romance page was also on the ChickLit.
          	Let me explain this genre to you. It is not supposed to be romance. It can contain romance, but it is supposed to be about women finding out that they are "strong independent women, WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN!" Instead, I was greeted with the stories "I Need You" and "I Love You, Bestfriend". Romance is not supposed to be the main thing to look for.
          	Also, it's supposed to be usually about older women in their late twenties, not teenage girls with abusive parents (looking at you "Jerks Care?"). 
          	2. Lack of Creativity
          	Maybe it's because I've been spoiled with John Green and The Great Gatsby lately, but I am not impressed with many of these stories on here that are popular. The descriptions sound more or less the same as always and every other story. That isn't the case with the Fantasy and Science Fiction section of this site, but it is a huge problem with the Romance and Teen Fiction sections. I know, I was there, been there, done that. NEVER want to go back.
          	3. What I was when I was here
          	I re-read my description of myself and look at these stories and none reflect who I am or was as a person. There was a single story, a short one, and no one ever reads short stories it seems. I shouldn't be broadcasting my interests on my description on here, I now realize. Some things need to stay off the description and excluded from stories. (I am happy seeing this Johnny Depp picture again).
          	Anyways, I've run out of characters. Here is my rant. Thank you and have a nice day.


are you gonna add to alien abduction? It's killing me


Okay, so this is the first time I've visited Wattpad in months. Let me tell you, I'm not exactly pleased. I left to explore other options (still doing, not coming back ANYTIME SOON for good) and stumbled across a few things I didn't like.
          1. ChickLit
          When I say I'm not happy with this, I don't mean I hate the genre (though it isn't my favorite). I decided to check out the first pages of many of the most popular submissions to this site. Lo and behold, half of what was on the Romance page was also on the ChickLit.
          Let me explain this genre to you. It is not supposed to be romance. It can contain romance, but it is supposed to be about women finding out that they are "strong independent women, WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN!" Instead, I was greeted with the stories "I Need You" and "I Love You, Bestfriend". Romance is not supposed to be the main thing to look for.
          Also, it's supposed to be usually about older women in their late twenties, not teenage girls with abusive parents (looking at you "Jerks Care?"). 
          2. Lack of Creativity
          Maybe it's because I've been spoiled with John Green and The Great Gatsby lately, but I am not impressed with many of these stories on here that are popular. The descriptions sound more or less the same as always and every other story. That isn't the case with the Fantasy and Science Fiction section of this site, but it is a huge problem with the Romance and Teen Fiction sections. I know, I was there, been there, done that. NEVER want to go back.
          3. What I was when I was here
          I re-read my description of myself and look at these stories and none reflect who I am or was as a person. There was a single story, a short one, and no one ever reads short stories it seems. I shouldn't be broadcasting my interests on my description on here, I now realize. Some things need to stay off the description and excluded from stories. (I am happy seeing this Johnny Depp picture again).
          Anyways, I've run out of characters. Here is my rant. Thank you and have a nice day.


are you gonna add to alien abduction? It's killing me


To my 75 Followers, I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry that I wrote a story that I'm not sure I'll be able to finish. I thought I'd give it a go, and it worked. But, the thing is, my story idea(s) have worn out on this site. Castle Walls, Alien Abduction, and everything else is just rotten right now. I can't think straight when I go to write them. Part of my problem was that I didn't have internet for the longest time. Now that it's back, I'm not feeling up to these stories. I have others in the works (one in particular I quite enjoy writing), but I know that it needs to be written and edited before ANYTHING! I love you all, but I'm not always sure of myself and because of that I get lazy. And when I get lazy, it never gets done. I will return to my stories and this place but for now I'm just going to read and figure out my stories on my own. Perhaps if you want to help with criticism (I'm honestly sick of, "Nice chap, can't wait for more!") instead of nice comments (I love those, but they get boring when there is close to no critisism) I could see what I can do, but I think I'm going to write and post when I know that it is ready to be seen by all and not just my own eyes on my laptop. This should also get easier when I get another laptop and perhaps I will return to other stories then. I feel horrible, but it is what I feel like needs to happen at least for a while or so. For all that are going to be in school at the end of this or beginning of next month, good luck (I am going to be a Sophmore). And for other people, keep doing what your doing and hope it all works out in the end. I will be more active, just not constantly posting anything (not that anything was very constant before). Perhaps I'll release the first chapter of my new Sy-Fy book in the near future. Please don't forget about me....


Hey guys, just a quick update. I know I haven’t been on very much. That is because school has become so busy. Between school, drama (acting not girl drama, but that too), my boyfriend, and everything, I haven’t been able to fit in my writing. I hate it, seeing as how I’m extremely stressed and need an outlet right now. Life is just too packed full for me.
          So, Castle Walls will eventually be updated. The Goblin Prince is going On Hold because I lost that file when my laptop crashed. And I will get around to writing soon. Thank you all for your patience.


Could that be a new chapter of Castle Walls? Could Angel and Dylan be calling your names to come read? They are! I know, I know, I’m a dork. Jacob agrees. Well, it’s kind of hard not to be when you are so happy! So, go read it! And find out why I’m so happy! The reason is in the author’s not at the end of the chapter! Thank you all for being my fans and reading. Also, of what I’ve written, not what I’ve shown, I have over fifty pages on Word! I’m so happy! Thank you all for your support!


Okay, I'm going to continue writing tonight, but I can't tomorrow while Markiplier is doing his livestream. After his livestream I will write! And I can't do anything on Tuesday since I'm going to see Les Miserables with my KK. Okay, Castle Walls and The Goblin Prince will be updated soon!