

          I know I had stories to complete. I remember to promise too. But really sorry to not to be able to keep it with. 
          This story is new to you all. But I started working on it last year only. I saw it has some part done. So thought to upload. So here it is.... 
          I don't write amazing but it is all I can up with so I hope you all might find it good atleast.
          April 24 turn out most awaited time for us. I have been consuming all breads.... And I think this is somewhere from a little full Peraya. And this year indeed will be our year.
          I just published "Part 1" of my story "A Star That Fall For Me".


@ni8ngle hello dear welcome back take your time, us peraya all jumping with happiness, glad to see another author updating-celebrating



hello.... so firstly sorry for all of  my sudden disappearances.
          hii. how is everyone. hlo to you too. and thanks to those who ask for stories continuation. uhhhh......
          for me i am the most inconsistent person alive. I bet you might agree too. but practically the fact is I just didn't priorities this over my studies ever. so.... somehow I find it easy to leave this when things burden up and come here when people burden me up. 
          But now now.... I finally am free... although little busy in building my own bubble/ space. I think I can give my time here too. 
          Wattpad is second best thing happen to me when I was drowning myself in self loathing. First is best definitely was finding Sotus and KristSingto.  So although its have been 5 years. I am unable to move on.
          I know I am not the best writer out there... but to all being their supporting my 1 completed and 2 ongoing  stories. THANK YOU... THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
          So.... as I'm looking forward to be more consistent here.... I am hoping that I can give as well as take contributions as we are now getting least to no breads.....  
          uhhhh my eyes want to see them together. No complains though... because my heart was at little relief when P'Singto said he meet P'Krist within week.   
          About HUSBAND AND HIS FAMILY... i am thinking.... I hope you understand because my mind had been out of that story plot since quite long. 
          Looking forward to see myself more consistent than I used to.....
          I didnt realised when I crossed 150+ followers. thanks for that too. 
          I am hoping Wattpad be my safe place forever.  
          Radhe Radhe....


Some how much of what you shared I could identify with and am sure I have seen more moons than you. I love your stories and hope you complete the Husband and his family. Take you time breathe and we will cheer you on here.❤️❤️❤️


@Susmitha3  thanks.... I miss being here too.... ❤️


@OonPreet26 missed you so much❤️