
Hi guys, I've started up a new account on wattpad which is going to be all about teen wolf called voidstilespack so please follow me!!!
          	But don't worry I'll still be updating on this account to!! x✌️


Just had a thought!!! What if Void Stiles comes back in season 5b because he's an chimera, because in season 3b Lydia said that Void couldn't be a wolf and a fox but after season 5a we've found out that he can, but the only way that he can is if he's a chimera!!!!!
          Btw I don't mean the way Theo said that Stiles still has Voids power, I mean that when they split the Nogitsune and Stiles up in to two body's, the Nogitsune one that took the shape of Stiles might be back!!


Ikr I can't wait to see what happens!!!


@newt5horse   I wish void would come back!!! when void stiles was bitten and with the whole you can't be a fox and a wolf I've found a loophole 'the shape you take reflects the person you are' who knows were foxes could exist. so maybe void isn't as dead as he/it seems. also I love the idea of chimera void stiles AND also donovans not dead anymore and I wonder what will happen. ..