
this message may be offensive
Good morning everyone my sleep schedule is fucking obliterated I was up at one in the morning cause it was thunderstorming and then the tornado sirens started going off and so we all went down to the basement and my little sister crawled into my lap and she was shaking and I was crying and it was the first time I’ve been scared of a thunderstorm since I was probably 7 or 8 years old


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Good morning everyone my sleep schedule is fucking obliterated I was up at one in the morning cause it was thunderstorming and then the tornado sirens started going off and so we all went down to the basement and my little sister crawled into my lap and she was shaking and I was crying and it was the first time I’ve been scared of a thunderstorm since I was probably 7 or 8 years old


Ok, ok I know it’s like super late where I am but I was talking with my little brother about who gets the least screentime in MHA and I was like *wheeze* I-it’s *peals of laughter* Hagakure. B-because she’s invisible I feel bad for laughing oh my god *dies laughing*


That hit different tho :0