
this message may be offensive
hey so I've been drawing some weird shit (ok jk) it's just I dont wanna post some things here or else it will expose me. not like the art is like lewd or smth, it's just for a secret project I will nvr share with yall lol. also I've been trying a new art style and want to become more comfy in it before I show yall. I might post one of them today tho just cus jm nice lol. actually tmrw cus I already posted 2 today. alright see ya guys


this message may be offensive
hey so I've been drawing some weird shit (ok jk) it's just I dont wanna post some things here or else it will expose me. not like the art is like lewd or smth, it's just for a secret project I will nvr share with yall lol. also I've been trying a new art style and want to become more comfy in it before I show yall. I might post one of them today tho just cus jm nice lol. actually tmrw cus I already posted 2 today. alright see ya guys


oI wAsSuPp


@bangchanbestboi wOw mE toO. haha.....what a cowinkidink.......


@nessiebugg iM jUsT sItTiNg hErE pRoCrAsTiNaTiNg