
I’m in need of a distraction so cb and specify or drop


// the way this is waaaaayyy late but I’m still intrigued to see how this interaction would go maybe
          	  Curious intro maybe? Idk, whatever type of intro works


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/:/ she has an attachment 
          im fine xavier just— im just fucking tired okay?


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            “Fuck, Prim stay with me please-“ he urged as he tried to think of a way to help. He hadn’t dealt with anything like this before and he was already at his wits end, but he wasn’t going to stop trying


@nerdycryptids \\
            she coughed as she started to have a hard time breathing,  she was turning blue in the face 


            “Primrose!” He was at her side again and he tried his best to help her up, but it proved to be difficult


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ah shit — sorry! you scared me.


            (Sorry didn’t see this)
            Xavier jumped at the sound and his eyes widened as he was quick to run over to her. “Jesus Christ, what the hell was that-“


@nerdycryptids \\
            she perked up. " xavier? what are you doin' here?" she questioned as she went to come over but she heard a screech.


            He noticed the group and was relieved when he saw they were okay. “Oh thank god you guys are alright…” he said as he panted softly 


I’m in need of a distraction so cb and specify or drop


// the way this is waaaaayyy late but I’m still intrigued to see how this interaction would go maybe
            Curious intro maybe? Idk, whatever type of intro works


⭒๋࣭ ⭑     "  Xavier   !   I'm   going   out   tonight   ..   you   should   let   me   practise   my   pick   up   lines   on   you   "


            ⭒๋࣭ ⭑     "   we   will   !   I'll   make   sure   of   it   ..   and   who   knows   ..   maybe  I'll   be   back   and   we   can   see   each   other   again   "   she   looked   at   him   with   such   a   sad   look   in   her   eyes   .   She   knew   the   likelihood   of   them   staying   together   would   be   rare


            He smiled softly at the squeeze on his hand and he gave her a nod. “I’ll miss you too. We definitely need to keep in contact.”


            ⭒๋࣭ ⭑     "   it's   okay   ..   I'm   just   gonna   miss   you   so   bad   .   "   She   squeezed   his   hand


          " You're the best. " She chuckled and buckled in, securing herself in the seat. She opened her bag and viewed her notebook with all her medical records, anything she had to tell her doctor for today. " So Jude and Jere can't make it to this appointment but they're supposed to video chat with me tonight. They're so happy, Xavier. They're so excited to meet their baby. " 


          Milly sighed and rested her hands on her stomach. She supposed it would be better to have him take her this time like all the other times. Eventually she would smile, nod, and gather her books. " Thanks. I really do appreciate this. More than you know. Can we get something to eat after? " It had become a tradition to do so after every appointment so she figured they could keep it going. " I'm not sure why but i'm craving something...pasta. Creamy pasta. That seems to be one of the only things that hasn't made me feel icky. "


   " Xavier nooo..."  Milly was so grateful to have him around to help her out. He really stepped in when she needed help and guidance but she still felt bad sometimes. " You don't need to. You've taken me to nearly every appointment already. Just let me take the bus this time. "


            Xavier had grabbed his Rhys and was about to head out the door with her but he looked to her, stopping in his place. “Now come on, Milly. You know I can’t let you do that. Really, I don’t mind taking you. It’s the least I can do for you.” 


“Can you hand me that bag of feather boas?” It was early in the morning and, from the looks of it, the redhead hadn’t slept that night. 


            He shrugged as he shoved a piece of bacon in his mouth. “Whatever you’d like. It doesn’t matter to me as long as we do it together.” 


            She looked up at him.” You are?” She glanced towards the living room where she’d been working on her project.” Oh.” The redhead nodded.” Well, what do you want to do? Do you want to watch a movie or something?”


            “Well, it’s Saturday which means typically I’d be on my cryptic hunt. But I’m taking a break from it just for this weekend and chilling out here with you.” 