
I'm so sorry about yesterday. It was just a hectic day. I don't know why I thought I had time. I got home from town and was busy from then till I dropped dead on my bed exhausted. Bare with me today I have a little more time so expect a chapter today. (:


I'm so sorry about yesterday. It was just a hectic day. I don't know why I thought I had time. I got home from town and was busy from then till I dropped dead on my bed exhausted. Bare with me today I have a little more time so expect a chapter today. (:


Hello my fellow friends(: I just wanted to say there will be another chapter posted for beating fate today, maybe more. It depends on what I can get done before tonight. Anyways sorry there wasn't a chapter posted last night. I won't be writing on Sunday's at all, but I'll try to update daily, the chapters might just not be super long. I hope you like the start so far and if you do tell your friends and spread the word! 
          Thanks so much and have a happy Halloween!