
I'm starting to edit MLS right now. Some of the chapters need to be fixed. I'm just letting you guys know. Love y'all!!


GOOD NEWS: My writer's block is gone!!! :D I might be updating my stories in the next week or so, so enough waiting!! ;)
          And a little heads up y'all, March 23-30 I'm gonna be in Disney World for spring break. So no updating then or a few days after. :) but u will update AMAP before then. :) (AMAP means as much as possible...JSYK.) (JSYK means just so you know...JSYK.) ;)  


GOOD NEWS: my writer's block is gone! I hope to be updating most of my stories in the next week or so, so enough waiting! ;) 
          And one last thing, starting March 23-30, I will be in Disney World for Spring Break. That means no updating during the week and maybe a couple days after that, just a heads up y'all. :)


Okay, so as you all know, I live in Alabama. Specific city? Helena (pronounced HEH-LEE-NAH). City located where? Next to Birmingham. Pretty small town, yeah. 
 you also might know, a mini blizzard hit today. It started around near ten in the morning, and it started sticking ten minutes after it started. So after an hour of snowing, it escalated into us getting out of school early. But the buses were not running and Juniors and Seniors couldn't leVe because roads were blocked off because of the ice on the roads. So we were stuck at school for about two hours till a friend if mine's stepmom came and got us out. We stayed in traffic for about an hour and a half because a huge 18-wheeler was laying across the road blocking us all off. So after another thirty minutes pass, we decide to turn around, and I spot my daddy so I get in the car with him and we head into a gas station cause daddy needed gas and we were both starving. So daddy gets gas and I buy us some food, and then daddy goes to use the bathroom. While I was waiting on him, a lady came up and she asked for a ride so we gave it to her because her wheels were just a spinning and her child was home alone. So we eventually get back in the road but the main road is blocked so we have to turn around. So we do, and we get all the way across the city and that road is closed too. But then the other one opens again so we head back toward that one. 
          Now, while all this is happening, my mom left work around 10:30 and she was in the interstate (she works at UAB). Eventually, her car starts swerving and her engine goes out and overheats, and so she stays in her car for an hour or so, but she gets cold, so she grabs valuables and just humps it outta there. Then this lady with a van picks her up but somewhere along the way she sees a co-worker do she hops in the car with him. 
          Eventually, daddy and I get to her and it takes another several hours to finally reach home. 
          It was horrible. Ice abandoned


I'd like to give a quick shout out to all of my wonderful friends and followers!! Y'all's support means lots to me. Even if I don't hear from you much, the fact that you read my stories makes me happy. :) thank y'all so much and I'll update some stories over the weekend! Maybe. ;)


Happy New Year! I know it's a little late, but still. :) okay so I wanted to give y'all a list of books I've read and loved over this school year so far. 
          1. The Gifted by Anna Kathryn Davis (amazing book, I gave is a 1,000,000,000 outta 10.)
          2. A Fault In Our Stars by John Green (also amazing. I cried.)
          3. Looking For Alaska also by John Green (not as good as AFIOS, but still awesome.)
          4. Reasons For Disappearing by I-forgot-her-name (wonderful novel.)
          5. The House Of Hades by Rick Riordan (this is a series and I absolutely L O V E Rick. So I absolutely L O V E this book.)
          6. The First Phone Call From Heaven by Mitch Albom (so amazing, I couldn't put it down!)
          These are not on Wattpad, I went out and bought them. And let me tell you, they are completely worth your while! I hope you get a chance to read some!