
I thought I could leave the Voxto one-shots up, but the overwhelming amount of strangely disrespectful/insensitive comments on them is really bothering me. I didn’t /have/ to reupload them here on Wattpad since I write on Ao3, but I did and I think people aren’t taking that into consideration. 
          	I unpublished them. You can still find them on ao3 if you would like to read them + my other works again. Thank you to those of you who were kind (: 


I’m so sorry that this is happening.. not only to you but also others.. I’ll make sure to definitely keep reading your stories there! 


I thought I could leave the Voxto one-shots up, but the overwhelming amount of strangely disrespectful/insensitive comments on them is really bothering me. I didn’t /have/ to reupload them here on Wattpad since I write on Ao3, but I did and I think people aren’t taking that into consideration. 
          I unpublished them. You can still find them on ao3 if you would like to read them + my other works again. Thank you to those of you who were kind (: 


I’m so sorry that this is happening.. not only to you but also others.. I’ll make sure to definitely keep reading your stories there! 