
Hey Sugar Cubes!
          	Wow, I haven’t said that in a while, have I? I’ve missed being on Wattpad so often and I feel like everything has changed. I’ve looked back at some old stories and poems I’ve written in high school. It helped me rediscover my love of sharing my thoughts with all of you. You might see me pop in every once in a while and add some new stuff, and continue on stories like The Girl in the Gray Sweater and FINALLY post a story I’ve been sitting in for years now. So please, if you’re still out there check some of my work out, or just stop and say hi.


Hey Sugar Cubes!
          Wow, I haven’t said that in a while, have I? I’ve missed being on Wattpad so often and I feel like everything has changed. I’ve looked back at some old stories and poems I’ve written in high school. It helped me rediscover my love of sharing my thoughts with all of you. You might see me pop in every once in a while and add some new stuff, and continue on stories like The Girl in the Gray Sweater and FINALLY post a story I’ve been sitting in for years now. So please, if you’re still out there check some of my work out, or just stop and say hi.


Hey Sugar Cubes!
          I"m going to try to update The Girl in the Grey Sweater WAY more often. I want to apologize to everyone who had been waiting since the dawn of time for me to finally settle down and update more than once a year. And to anyone who is new to me WELCOME! I will become the writer I aspire to be starting right now! So, keep on a look out for more frequent updates.
          Love you all,


Your writing is absolutely phenomenal. I love your poetry, it's really powerful and has deep meanings. Some are happy, some sad, some confused, some mad. It's like I'm walking through these people's lives, imagining their stories and their narratives. 
          Never stop writing because you're amazing.


Thank you so much!


Hey Sugar Cubes!
          I've been thinking about making some changes on some of my stories. Most of you might not be aware but I have a poem book called "Best Kind of Crazy" and because I like that title for something else I'm going to turn it into an actual short story and make the poems their own individual work so look out for that I guess. Even if it's not something of mine (but you should also read my works) happy reading! 
          I love you all,


Hello Sugar Cubes! 
          DEAR JULIA IS FINALLY COMPLETED! For everyone who said they were pausing reading until it it done can now start back up again! It took me longer than I thought and I'm sorry about that but please go check it out, vote, comment, and let me know what you think.
          I love you all,