
I'm now up to 60 followers. Never thought I would get that far. Thanks guys your all so awsome. :33 I hope you guys keep enjoying my storys.


hey guys. sorry I havnt been updating my storys. I get really badly side tracked and easily lose interest (sometimes a problem for me to keep focused on it). my mom would read one of my storys it's why it has more updates on it. so if I don't post something on a story you like I'm really sorry. 


hay guys so there may be one of my storys that may seem like a part two. im not all that sure yet cause i have buried myself in storys that i ned to finish and im sorry if i get to slow in updating its just that i am trying to update on some of my other storys as well. thanks for being patiant with me.


Thank you so much for your support, it means alot to me! I've been very busy with life lately but I shall try to update soon. If you follow the story you can get updates as soon as I post new chapters. Sorry this is late i just now checked my comments. :b