
          He crossed his legs once again, folding his hand in his lap. He thought for a moment, trying to remember getting the tattoo. "I think I was a year old..but I cannot remember if it hurt or not." Klaus listened to the boy, wondering what the pendant was meant for. "Does it glow at random times?"


          "I imagine it would." He wrinkled his nose as his fingers brushed against the cold metal of pendant; his fingers carefully traced over the curves and the other shape of the pendant before moving his hands back. At the tone of his voice, Klaus dropped the conversation about the boys biological family. "I have something  like that's a tattoo on my left ankle. You can take a look, if you'd like."


          "It helps give me an idea of what you may look like." He explained, he knew it was a strange thing to do but it seemed to provide Klaus some kind of comfort. "You said your eyes were light...are they blue?" His head titled in slightly curiosity as he dragged his finger across his forehead. "What color is your hair? I'm guessing, if your eyes are blue, then your hair is either a dark brown or a light blonde- like mine!"


          "That's true..The iris is lighter and so it let's more light pass through the retina." He smiled softly, his fathering having taught him optics and biology ever since he was young. He leaned forward, stretching his hand forward to rest on the boys cheek. He carefully trailed his finger down his cheek and across his jaw.