
Hey guys, just a quick announcement 
          	I’m in the process of updating the finished product of We Belong Together. Sorry it’s taken so long, school has been keeping me pretty busy. I’m in a program called the International Baccalaureate program, IB for short, and I have a butt ton of work‍♀️but yeah, it’ll be finished pretty soon!!


Hey guys, just a quick announcement 
          I’m in the process of updating the finished product of We Belong Together. Sorry it’s taken so long, school has been keeping me pretty busy. I’m in a program called the International Baccalaureate program, IB for short, and I have a butt ton of work‍♀️but yeah, it’ll be finished pretty soon!!


My heart is in pieces for Becks. The pain of separation and the pain of missing someone has crept it's way into her heart. According to what Becks has said about her dad, he was an amazing guy who always believed in her even when she didn't believe in herself. 
          Rest in paradise


Guys, I am soooo sorry for not updating. 9th grade is no joke, but anyway, this week was HOMECOMING!!!!!! It was amazing, and we actually won!  Anyway, I believe I will be able to update today, so look out for it! Love yall