
Hey!! I actually have an idea for a Jiara story, and I really like your style of writing, so I figured I'd share with you!!! You don't have to use it if you don't like it. But THIS IS BASED OFF A JIARA STORY I READ, IT ISNT COMPLETELY MY IDEA.
          Okay so basically it's the whole pouge group together, no problems or gold or anything and it's school. Kiara's parents r up her ass (as usual) but they are going too far with it and making her rly insecure soo she starts slitting her wrists but covering it with her bracelets and taking drugs but doesn't tell her friends but one night JJ sneaks through her window to find her hurting herself in the bathroom and yeah.
          Again, this isn't my idea it's based off a Jiara story I read in Wattpad, so credits to that author. Tysm for possibly reading this and considering my idea :)


@mysticalwriter11 omg that would be amazing tysm!!! ❤️


Ooo thanks for the idea, I like it! I’ve been thinking of making a one shot series on here, maybe I’ll add this to that