
Guys for my story Brighter Than the Sun, i always say I like to be in charge of my stories, but if I ask for suggestions and like them then I'll write them! You are all asking me to update my latest chapter, and I'm not quite sure how to finish the story so I need suggestions!!! :) 


@mymacfarlane can you continue the story? FanFiction is always my escape from reality and I desperately need an escape rn.


Guys for my story Brighter Than the Sun, i always say I like to be in charge of my stories, but if I ask for suggestions and like them then I'll write them! You are all asking me to update my latest chapter, and I'm not quite sure how to finish the story so I need suggestions!!! :) 


@mymacfarlane can you continue the story? FanFiction is always my escape from reality and I desperately need an escape rn.


hey guys! im sorry i havent been updating in like a million years lol but my bday was yesterday and rebecca mader dmed me saying happy bday! i had tweeted like the whole ouat cast but im still sooo happy! ill get back to writing soon, i promise! :D
          xoxo, Lauren