
            Saya suka baca awak punya cerita memang best giler .... Sya nak lagi baca cerita awak saya suka sgt 


Haii.. wow your story had touch my heart. One of my friends also told me the same story as yours when we were 16. And all i can do is be his listener and  be there for him. Wish i can help more. I know you’re strong guy and everything happen for reasons. I wish you all the best and always be happy 


@_behaviour hrp die lama2 nnti...die akan ok..cuma tunggu masa yg tepat ...


Story ni ade jugak yg same dengan kisah saya...but umur jerr beza saya kene mase umur 6 tahun sokay saya jadikan ia satu kekuatan dan citer ni jugak bagi saya semangat untk melawan...tq for the storyy...sedih bila bace yg awk digunakan mereka...same like me


Yooo,I want to ask you something bout some of my friends.I stayed in a hostel like science one.I am curios bout themselves since they treat me in a different way.I want to tell you some of my dark story's and maybe you can help me to figure it out and get out from thiss odd feeling.cus im sooi confused with myself rit noww...hope u r willing to reply me and get over to help me..