
surprisingly, I was one of the only people out of all of my friends in the phandom who didn’t actually believe in phan, because I just thought people liked to make up coincidences for their own enjoyment. guess i was wrong lol. that’s literally all i logged into wattpad for lmao


surprisingly, I was one of the only people out of all of my friends in the phandom who didn’t actually believe in phan, because I just thought people liked to make up coincidences for their own enjoyment. guess i was wrong lol. that’s literally all i logged into wattpad for lmao


Wow.. I logged on for the first time in a few months today to see an overwhelming amount of support and love for my stories. I can't even explain how happy I am to see people enjoying and commenting on them, and I wanted to thank you all so much for that. I'll try to update my books as quick as I can, and I'll always try to update when you guys request❤️ thank you


I got into my first 'committed' relationship in 8th grade. A few days before our 6 month anniversary, he broke up with me for another girl. They broke up a month later, and he came running back to me, asking for forgiveness. He told me that the girl has blackmail on him, and forced him to date her. The black mail was that she was the only one who knew about his self harm and suicide attempts. Me and her became friends, and I found out that she never did that, and he just lied about doing both of those things as a reason to dump me. I think I'll invite him out somewhere them kick his guts out of his mouth.
          I posted this because I saw @brendvn 's post about it.
          Suicide/self harm isn't a joke. If you treat it like it is, it will come back to bite you.




ello :D


@callmefangirling Ahh! So sorry it's literally been a year and I haven't replied );


Just on a PINOF marathon, my usual Sunday afternoon xD