
In my research, I stumbled upon the realization that the Allies naming the German states as they are known nowadays isn't entirely accurate. As a matter of fact, most of the states were part of the state of Prussia, which is making the divisions and the naming a little more difficult but I could work on it to make it historically accurate...would anyone like me to work over that asap, or could I also leave it to the second draft (since I'll definitely be working over LAOR again)?


I’d say do it now, but in the end, that’s up for you to decide.


In my research, I stumbled upon the realization that the Allies naming the German states as they are known nowadays isn't entirely accurate. As a matter of fact, most of the states were part of the state of Prussia, which is making the divisions and the naming a little more difficult but I could work on it to make it historically accurate...would anyone like me to work over that asap, or could I also leave it to the second draft (since I'll definitely be working over LAOR again)?


I’d say do it now, but in the end, that’s up for you to decide.


I'm one day late but HAPPY PRIDE MONTH FELLASSSSS ❤️
          Be gay, do crime (no, actually, don't), boycott businesses that support know, the usual stuff on the gay agenda ;) 
          I'll be spending June working my ass off to get good grades so...This will be one homophobic month if my effort doesn't pay off /j


@mxlkii_way HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!! Go forth and be gay and commit crimes >:333 WE WILL COMMIT TO THE GAY AGENDA TO THE CODE
            All the best with your assignments you got this!! 
            If your teachers fail to see your hard work they're homophobic (THIS IS A JOKE)


PSA to everyone I'M EUROPEAN. THE DATES I PUT IN MY STORIES ARE IN DD/MM/YYYY ORDER. I don't want to have to explain it over and over again (still probably will have to) so I decided to kinda make this little "warning" lmao-


            Idk why teh Americans use the MM/YYYY/DD order- it makes no sense-


          Werte Leser! Freunde und Feinde!
          Stolz vermitte ich euch, dass es nun auch eine deutsche Version von "Love Against Our Roots" - "Liebe Gegen Unsere Wurzeln" - geben wird. Ich werde die ersten 12. Kapitel Stück für Stück übersetzen und hoffe, dass es mir auch auf Deutsch gelingt, die Geschichte gut rüberzubringen!
          Wir sehen uns im Buch (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧


@ mxlkii_way  wie cool! 


Hey everyone,
          I re-uploaded one of the oneshots which were in my last collection and will do more once I ruled everything out. Im the meantime, enjoy "On The Ladder To Murder" and the slight changes I made to it. Spoiler alert, the ending is a little different. The most attentive reader gets a metaphorical reward in the form of a confirmation ;)


So uh...
          my Oneshot book was removed...
          I'll move it to Ao3 and let you guys know when I do, I think it's just Wattpad's annual CH killing spree (lmao). I'm not surprised though xD


@mxlkii_way OH NOOOO
            I haven't even got to comment on the easter chapter 
            So sorry for your lost, and I hope we can all read it again on the safer haven of A03!! (This reminded me to create back ups for my other drafts lmao wattpad will not be catching me off guard again)


I woke up to a very nice Easter present today - namely, "Love Against Our Roots" has reached 100 VOTES! 
          *excited squealing noises*
          Thank you all SO much for the support! It means a ton to me, seeing you guys enjoy the story as much as I enjoy writing it! 
          With this, I shall also take the opportunity to wish you all a Happy Easter or generally just happy holidays if you do not celebrate. Though I'm not religious, I still like to take part in the traditions for ths sake of my younger siblings ✨
          As a little present for you guys, I posted something in the Countryhumans Oneshots. I know this doesn't exactly fit Easter (this was written, like, last February or so), but I didn't think of writing anything Easter-related this year :') I hope you still enjoy it. 


In case some readers were confused when they saw "Chapter 10: Dance With Fate" appear again in their notifications:
          The first one is the one I posted a few days ago, and its name was "Prelude". The second one, the one I posted today, is named "Crescendo". 
          Sorry if that caused any confusion! ༼⁠⁰⁠o⁠⁰⁠;⁠༽