
Hello everyone. It’s been a while. 
          	If anyone who’s following me is still active and likes my work, I’m so excited to announce that I will be completely re-branding my Wattpad profile. It has been years since I have actually written, especially for an audience, and I’m excited to jump back into it as a senior in college! 
          	I originally began this profile in middle school and most of my current writing on the page is from 2015-2020. I was just learning to write, and although I was better than some of my peers, I was still so bad plot-development wise (reading my old oneshots are SO CRINGE!!!). 
          	Hopefully, I will not only be posting new works, but re-writing some of my old oneshots, especially my Star Wars: The Clone Wars ones. If you originally requested a oneshot that I wrote, please do expect a tag from me in the re-writes, as I will be making them better than before. :) Hopefully, you will think so too. 
          	Please do stay tuned. I hope to see you all around, as well as some new faces in a new oneshot book for Star Wars: The Clone Wars. 
          	You are amazing. God bless all of you. <3


I forgot to mention that once the re-brand takes place and the new Clone Wars oneshot book is published, it will be open for requests. :) 


Hello everyone. It’s been a while. 
          If anyone who’s following me is still active and likes my work, I’m so excited to announce that I will be completely re-branding my Wattpad profile. It has been years since I have actually written, especially for an audience, and I’m excited to jump back into it as a senior in college! 
          I originally began this profile in middle school and most of my current writing on the page is from 2015-2020. I was just learning to write, and although I was better than some of my peers, I was still so bad plot-development wise (reading my old oneshots are SO CRINGE!!!). 
          Hopefully, I will not only be posting new works, but re-writing some of my old oneshots, especially my Star Wars: The Clone Wars ones. If you originally requested a oneshot that I wrote, please do expect a tag from me in the re-writes, as I will be making them better than before. :) Hopefully, you will think so too. 
          Please do stay tuned. I hope to see you all around, as well as some new faces in a new oneshot book for Star Wars: The Clone Wars. 
          You are amazing. God bless all of you. <3


I forgot to mention that once the re-brand takes place and the new Clone Wars oneshot book is published, it will be open for requests. :) 


          They’ll ask you to review some story and give you a crazy statistic. If two vanilla profiles follow you at the same time, then you get a PM from one, just delete it. They’ll be asking you to review some paranormal (or possibly other genre) story. If you respond, no matter what you say, it’ll send you some writing and then a link. I advise that you don’t click on it and block them. Their usernames will be all capitals with a year in front of it. 
          Please stay safe out there, Wattpad community. I love you all.  


 I got one too. I guess it’s a good thing I ignored it.


@musntbill I got one a few days ago but i didn't respond 


Thanks for informing us!!!


I just want to re-iterate an old point...
          Phineas and Ferb songs are JAMS and 
          1. Nobody can convince me otherwise. 
          2. If you disagree, you have never listened to a Phineas and Ferb song, or at least not one of the better ones. There’s one for EVERYONE, literally. 


If you follow Kate's Adventures:
          I have a Tumblr blog for the book! It will include excerpts, behind the scenes, and general information! My asks are open as well as Anonymous asks! Please consider checking it out! Thank you so much! <3 I love you all! :)


(It would help if I attached it...)


If you read Kate’s Adventures: 
          I’ve set up a separate account, you can find it here:

          Or @katesadventuresbook
          This will be so I can better sort and organize the book into volumes. It‘s over 65 chapters! It’s grown bigger than I could ever imagine and I appreciate every single one of my readers! 
          I will also be setting up “Lost Adventures” and “Behind the Book,” which are segments to go along with the story. I am very excited for this!
          All of the original chapters have been broken into volumes for better comprehension and published. I will be editing them as well to find any errors and mistakes! 
          I can’t wait for you to read the new chapters I post and what else I have in store for all of you. Thank you so much and I love you all! <3


For any of you who will actually see this or read this,
          I would like to know if I should make a new account solely to focus on my book, Kate's Adventures. It's an important choice that I want you all to have a say in. If I did, I would be making a few different "Volumes" of Kate's Adventures and sorting them into groups and books. 
          For example: I have unpublished some of KA's chapters simply because they don't fit the timeline or the series anymore. If I had this other account, I would make a book to publish these chapters, calling it something like "The Lost Adventures" or something of that sort. 
          I may also decide to break the book up into "Volumes" with ~10 "Adventures" per volume (or more or less depending on how many chapters each is.)
          Is this something you all would like to see? Please give me your feedback, I would truly appreciate your opinions. 
          Thanks so much!!!
          <3 ~Katelyn Blue


I’m also wondering, if I did make this new account, how many of you would follow me there. I don’t want to have it all for nothing.  