
your welcome!!!
          	your a great writer. i luv reading your stories!!


hello ^^ I know theese are really annoying buttttt it would mean a lot if you would read my stories,Dark Midnight, Vermin, andddd Tiresome Slavery comment vote, read what you want, doesn't have ot be all of them, just what you want ;D and blah blah blah, thats probably what this sounds like right? well please do though, thanks luv u all :D
          ~roar feel good inc~


uhm........ I can't remember what I was gonna say.......... 
          *light bulb goes off in head* 
          oh yeah I like totally uploaded 'heart shaped scratch' its like 3pages 
          so like... yeah. 
          bye *waves while doing happy dance* nicolle1496 xx


hya! this is MangaBfan - u remember me right? 
          (ur my fan!!) 
          well this is my other account with me teamed up with my best frind axa (bia001) 
          we posted our 1 chp for 'unknown' and i'd luve u for ever if u could check it out!!!!! 
          well tell me wat u think and dont forget to vote!!! (and maybe fan!) 
          thats all for now 
          thnx anyway 


Hi, I would like if you could read my story "The boy with 2 different eye colors" 
          I would love for you to read, comment, and even vote if you like it! 
          Thx if you do read it!!!! 
          Can not wait to see what you write if you read it!!!!!!!!!!!