
I will be writing and posting a new original series, Blood Binds, very soon. Book One is called Ave Academy. 
          	I will also be releasing a new original story named Rivals And Memories (subject to change). 


Wattpad decided to delete the entire first and second chapters of Ko A Yin, so I have to unpublish until I can rewrite them. Luckily my mum saved chapter two on my laptop before it deleted, but chapter one was written on my phone so I don't have a backup for it. Ko A Yin will be back shortly, with the first chapter and a third chapter.


Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me. Happy birthday dear JJ, happy birthday to me! In celebration of my birthday, I will be updating anything you guys want (besides Ko A Yin because I'm already working on that). I will even create a one-shot or something! Whoop whoop!!