
Crying sobbing cause there was this BTS ot7 book that was called Doll and like it was made by someone’s who’s account name was @Koko_delalala and now I can’t find it on here  another book they made was Prince of the Dawn. If anyone that sees this also knows about the book can someone tell me what happened to it cause like it’s disappeared on here but not on AO3 


Crying sobbing cause there was this BTS ot7 book that was called Doll and like it was made by someone’s who’s account name was @Koko_delalala and now I can’t find it on here  another book they made was Prince of the Dawn. If anyone that sees this also knows about the book can someone tell me what happened to it cause like it’s disappeared on here but not on AO3 


HENLO- u may remember me as Jimins-Boner 
          (That felt weird-) le am bored and your profile attracted me- Do I have permission to vibe here  ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ?


Yay new vibe place owo ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


@mypinkmon Lmao yeth feel free to vibe all you want XD


I know my book doesn't have chapters yet, that's mostly because I'm trying to write the second chapter before posting the 1st one. Like I told a, what I will assume is, friend, I want to commit to this book. I don't want to leave it untouched or forgotten like my last one, which I ended up deleting. Once I do publish the 1st chapter, and possibly finish the second, I won't publish the second until I have the 3rd one started/halfway finished, and so on so forth. 
          The first 4-5 chapters of the book will be my own story, once I start/nearly finish the 5th chapter, that's when I will get my co-author's help. So bear with me if the first few chapters suck. ^^;; Also feel free to leave constructive criticism or ideas for the stories future. The storyline of the book will follow AoU, Civil War, and will possibly have some mentions of Infinity War and Endgame. I might have a better ending for the book but it's a surprise! 
          I hope those who read my book enjoy it! Feel free to show it to your friends once I can get more chapters for it lol


@Agent_Scarlet hellooooooooooooooooo thnx for the follow! :33333333


Thanks for adding Shiver Me Timbers to your reading list!! I hope you enjoy it :)


Just added a quick A/N to my lil book 


Haha that’s fine lol


Alrighty I'll go ahead and start working on it, though be warned I tend to go into extreme detail or well very specific detail about all of my Oc's lmao.