
hello!! I'm not abandoning wildfire, I'm just working really hard on rewriting Sorry!! also, I'm in the middle of editing chapters 22+23, so I don't suggest reading beyond that because I'm going to be changing it a lot !! please message me if you have questions. I'll be posting a little note here every time I update a chapter :—)


@mumblingmurphy What about now ? :p


Are you going to write a sequel for sorry because that ending killed me... literally (jk but now I’m dead inside) but I just think that it would be a cool ideas that if Murphy wasn’t actually dead and he was just in hiding... I don’t know. You don’t have to write a sequel but I just think that it would be a cool idea seeing as I am addicted to sorry and read it in one day. Btw I think that your style of writing is amazing and you should definitely continue to write ~


aa the sequel has been deleted ?


@ cultisms  whaaat ?! Oh my God, I have to read the second part of this story  If you find something please write to me okay ? 


@fIeimkepa aww, that sucks ): 


@sadmurphay the sequel didn’t get finished, so i dont think much is missing? but the “ending” of the first volume as well as the direction the first few chapters second went in is killer and i wish i knew where it was headed + it’s a shame the second is no longer available tbh


hello!! I'm not abandoning wildfire, I'm just working really hard on rewriting Sorry!! also, I'm in the middle of editing chapters 22+23, so I don't suggest reading beyond that because I'm going to be changing it a lot !! please message me if you have questions. I'll be posting a little note here every time I update a chapter :—)


@mumblingmurphy What about now ? :p