
Guys what's more gay? Having a crush on a girl
          	 or having a homie who's practically like your significant other but you're just friends, tease and flirt in your private messages, have a stuffed doll for a son, have a shared house in Minecraft and have plans together to live in an apartment in another country.


But now we just joke around about how we got together but thank!!!


@g1rlesru13 damn... Congrats, best wishes to the both of you


. . . The first one cause I did the second one before with my friend and now they are my girlfriend


Guys what's more gay? Having a crush on a girl
           or having a homie who's practically like your significant other but you're just friends, tease and flirt in your private messages, have a stuffed doll for a son, have a shared house in Minecraft and have plans together to live in an apartment in another country.


But now we just joke around about how we got together but thank!!!


@g1rlesru13 damn... Congrats, best wishes to the both of you


. . . The first one cause I did the second one before with my friend and now they are my girlfriend


Been seeing a lot of posts in my fyp, and to spread awareness. Even if this is not what I usually post but as a Filipino myself I can't stand by forever. So I copy pasted a post and shortened it a little if some of you guys aren't aware yet:
          —Issue about West Philippine Sea being claimed as China’s territory(which is not factual).
          It's important to be aware of what’s happening inside and outside the country. The heated issue that’s happening right now that has something to do with WPS should not be taken lightly. Not only the armies could be put at risk, but also us, the countrymen.
          Right now, we’re almost near in declaring war against China. As stated by the President, who finally took an action and expressed his statement as of the matter: The Philippine shall invoke MDT or Mutual Defense Treaty if even only just one of our armies will be harmed to death.
          West Philippine Sea is not accommodated as China’s property, it’s our own territory. This is why protecting it at all cost is a must. 
          We originally own WPS, and in times like this, silence is gradually taken as to being ignorant of the current state of our country. We fought for our country’s freedom over a hundred of years. Let’s not put our late brave soldiers’ sacrifices just so the Philippines could have its independence, freedom and the will to be a democratic country, into nothing but a disappointing outcome.
          Both governmental organization and non-governmental organizations should take lead and actions upon this. Cooperation between the government and its countrymen will be required in no time. May we prepare ourselves for the worst and fight for our rights, not minding how much it would cost us if we voice out against it.


Writing my happily ever after first, sorry far cry cradle maybe another time :cri
          Yes it's going to be in a little hiatus for a while lelz I kinda lost internet but I'm trying to write because author got a new phone and being a dumdum she wrote it in her notes in the old phone and didn't have a backup 


Feel like an outcast to my larger friend group these days, am I even apart of it now? My attachment issues I can't:c


@muliermultarumfacies I understand how you feel :( I hope you feel better my therapist told me to ask for like confirmation or tell them how you feel if that helps you :)