
Hey guys, sorry for not posting in two days, my chapter decided it would be hilarious if it deleted itself... Yeahhhhh.. This chapter is also a longer than the normal chaps, but yeah that's why I havent posted in two days. I promise there will be a chapter tomorrow! Thanks for reading, hope you guys have an awesome day :D


Hello! I am such a fan of your writings! Especially the Alphyne one! You left on such a cliffhanger..I was wondering where that update was..if Im bothering you then sorry! Im just curious on why you stopped. You seriously have a talent..


Thanks for the follow my awesome new friend xD!!!


xDD You iz welcome my also awesome new friend! Now Imma casually go read/stalk ur Undertale stories xD 


Hey guys, sorry for not posting in two days, my chapter decided it would be hilarious if it deleted itself... Yeahhhhh.. This chapter is also a longer than the normal chaps, but yeah that's why I havent posted in two days. I promise there will be a chapter tomorrow! Thanks for reading, hope you guys have an awesome day :D


            *shakes you violently* Fam, I know this specific message is a year old and for something completely different, buttttt.... YOU NEED TO UPDATE OF WRITE STORY DISCONTINUED, OR ELSE THIS NAKED GREEN TURTLE IS GONNA WHOOP YOUR BUTT.....but I love yaaaaaaaa.