
last chapter of star wars : A cursed family OUT NOW


I LOVE YOUR BOOKKK,, it's a little bit underated but it's super good!, the plot is super good, the grammar is good, the author is nice, i have nothing to say! it's just super good, but i can recommend you changing the book cover so it can be noticable for other readers, i'm gonna recomend this book to my cousins and friends bcs they love star-wars to, gonna end this rambling of mine hehe,, bye bye! and can you make a sequel?            Love, S o f i a! <3


@gelatinesss  OMG!! yes yes queen do it!!, i'm seeking too read that books of yours! and again. Love , S o f i a


Thank you, this made my day! Right now I am working on other stories with characters such as the Darkling  from shadow and bone and Pietro Maximoff from the MCU. Also working on a Harry Potter book in which we follow the daughter of Sirius Black through her years. 
            Lots of love, Rosalie. 