
Un block me u know who areee


@destiny_b_2023 ok so I know who i can trust and I know i can't trust no-one and who in the hell do i stick up for how bout this u wach ur back I got my own


@morrisalena im not trying to start a fight im just stating the facts you cant trust nobody in this god damn world so why stick up for them when they wouldnt do the same for you


Un block me u know who areee


@destiny_b_2023 ok so I know who i can trust and I know i can't trust no-one and who in the hell do i stick up for how bout this u wach ur back I got my own


@morrisalena im not trying to start a fight im just stating the facts you cant trust nobody in this god damn world so why stick up for them when they wouldnt do the same for you


this message may be offensive
I love when u get in a fight in school and win and the girl u got in a fight with texts and blocks u acks all big and tuff but really like look bitch u had time to fight back but u hide under a fucking chair and I don't care if u don't like me I never like u 


@morrisalena it wasnt even a fight you hit me in the back 3 times then the cop started walking over and you stopped and the only reason you hit me was cause we was in a room full of ppl 