
thanks for all the messages! i’m glad you’re all still enjoying the stories. if you guys wanna keep up with my most recent writing, i’m on


@morifantra I still love your wonderful written secrets saga alot,there one of my faves.
          	  Just sad you disappered and not writing here anylonger.It feels some writers are turning us their back,which I find sad.But whatever,wishing you all the best.Peace & Be Wild 


Dear Mori, I can’t seem to get your other website. Are you going to put book four of your saga up on Wattpad? I know you started it but don’t know if you finished it? I hope you are feeling better and I hear from you soon. If you want to email me about how to get to your other website, my email is:


thanks for all the messages! i’m glad you’re all still enjoying the stories. if you guys wanna keep up with my most recent writing, i’m on


@morifantra I still love your wonderful written secrets saga alot,there one of my faves.
            Just sad you disappered and not writing here anylonger.It feels some writers are turning us their back,which I find sad.But whatever,wishing you all the best.Peace & Be Wild 


          it's three years since i lost R this weekend. i miss her more than ever, especially during this nightmare year
          as most of you would have guessed, i have more or less abandoned the editing of the secrets story mainly because of lack of interest and inspiration in it. i will, however, revert them to how they were and post them back up - i have had a few requests to do so! it might take me a day or so to get to it so bear with. 
          thanks to everyone who's stood by me in the process of writing these stories. it means a lot to me and i'll always cherish the friends i've made with them. 
          one last thing - i understand that it's disappointing that a lot of people aren't updating but please think twice before sending authors rude messages and demanding updates from them. i've had a lot of lovely supportive folks reach out to me (thank you!) but i've also had some unpleasant notifications that weren't great to see after not being on this website for ages. i'm a disabled person with very limited amounts of energy and i, as many others, have had a very difficult time with the pandemic. all writers here put our stories out for free. you are not entitled to updates on our lives or on the reasons why we are or not updating. just keep this in mind when interacting with creators of your favourite content online. please remember we're human too. 
          thanks everyone for your support! i probably won't be on this website anymore so feel free to reach out to me in a private message if you'd like to keep in touch.


Thank you for all your stories. I will forever love Prince and Ronnie. There’s something truly special there. Thank you for sharing them with us.


@morifantra guess you're talking about some of my comments.We all have our issues,me too ,Iam handicaped myself.But not replying to any of the comments is kind of rude too.To some those stories means alot,writers should think about it.Iam just tired of begging,but whatever,wishing you all the best;peace and be wild.


ah ken it's been a while pals, i'm not doing very well at the moment. bear with x


@generallayla oh no it’s just the usual chronic illness/disability stuff x


@morifantra Sorry to hear you're not well Sending you light and love 


Not the virus I hope!!!  The US is like the toilet seat of the earth right now!  But you’re in Scotland, right?  I just got a Covid test today for free——near the Dover (that’s Delaware) AFB.  
            Hoping to get a leg up on international travel when it opens up.
            Take care of yourself