
Thank you for having read I Need You!


If you are a Genshin followers and/or Dilluc fanatic, may we please interest you in checking out @pityxduck newest work; If I Get Drunk Tonight, a short work of art that imitates life as mellow as it is. With Dilluc as a main lead and a Gender-Neutral Reader as the Main Character. 
          Please don’t forget to leave sweet comments for them! 
          This has been Chance☀️


I think I liked writing when I didn’t have any sort of expectations to hold onto or to please others. 
          I’ve worked long and hard to get back the love I had for even re-writing some of my older works when I was under the username; Serenaamour, but even then I feel like I’ve hit a huge iron wall with no way to jump or go by it. 
          I’ve given writing a break for so long because I don’t want to give it up. Not yet anyways. 
          I want to be back and be able to write or work on older works with new changes with my close friends by my side so in the meantime, please await for my arrival once again. 
          I’ll be back to writing and I’ll be back on re-writing and publishing newer works from published stories to finish what I have started. 
          This isn’t a goodbye, I will be back and I will be back to writing the way I want to without any forced scheduling or grueling expectations I held myself to. Please wait for me.
          - Main Writer and Owner of Moonvisim 


You’ve established works that are well liked and have friends and followers who will support the process even if it means waiting for long periods of time for more! 
            Please take care! 