
Added more to Things to make you Think. Some are funny and others not so. But hope you lovely people enjoy it anyways!


Hey!(: I know people hate advertising and stuff but I'm pretty desperate... (I feel like such a mooch lol) but you seem like a nice person and I notice you like teen fiction/romance/etc so I was wondering if you could read like the first two chapters of my new book "My Best Friends Brother" and give any feedback and if you like it, feel free to put in on your reading list/library/whatever but you don't have too, if you don't want too, just desperate for feedback but again, sorry for the spam... xo♥


Heyy thanks for following me :D it means a lot :) Just trying to figure out why you did... sadly my psychic skills haven't been working this week... with my exams and all, that would just be cheating ;) so I shall have to ask :3