
this message may be offensive
Besties I survived this month but my medical device did NOT  We don't know how but it completely shit itself 


And best of all the company still hasn't responded to me. Like my brothers in Christ we use this to keep me safe pls respond


Fun fact about me, I do mermaiding. And I just got invited to VA for a convention, with a free ticket. Crying, throwing up, all of it. I'm so excited, it's like an early birthday gift. So yesss if I'm quiet, just know I'm quickly planning this as fast as humanly possible so I can be prepared and ready for it. April will come fast!! It was unexpected as fuckkk but I'm so grateful to go meet some of my idols. And I'm so pumped to have been picked by some of the lovely people featured in Netflix's Merpeople! 


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Ps: if I go ghost, or have before, just know I apologizeee. I know it's mad annoying. I have an automatic nervous system disorder and sometimes that shit takes me out of even just using my phone. Sometimes it'll beat me down for a few hours, otherwise it's bad for months (been there lately lmao).
           But just know I don't dislike anyone, I'm not always super bored or over it or whatever. I'm just sick lmao. 
          Then when I do get back on I'm like "ohh man, I've been embarrassing. I probably shouldn't respond that much later, it'll be so rude." 
          Just want to put it out there that if I ever stopped answering you most likely did nothing!! I just am in a constant cycle of sick, and nervous that my disorder makes me come off as a little snot lol


Besties imma need to do some sorta fantasy rp 
          Vampires, mermaids, somethingggg


If you want to, I got you! Sounds exciting!