
Hello everyone! ❤️
          	Sorry for the long leave time, I was spending time with my family and went to Washington state for the holidays just recently got back from vacation and I’m going to create a new book and it’s for MK1. Hope you guys are well and enjoyed your guys holidays with family and friends. If you have questions please feel free to leave a comment or send me a dm. 


Hello everyone! ❤️
          Sorry for the long leave time, I was spending time with my family and went to Washington state for the holidays just recently got back from vacation and I’m going to create a new book and it’s for MK1. Hope you guys are well and enjoyed your guys holidays with family and friends. If you have questions please feel free to leave a comment or send me a dm. 


So I’m debating if I should do a MW2 story or a Star Wars story. I’m taking a break from Mk1 as I didn’t like how the book is going. Also, I started using tumblr to make more content. 
          My username is: Lynn-w3st 
          Please message me on what you guys think I should create or if you simply have questions.
          Have a wonderful day my lovelies ❤️


@mooncalami I suppose it really depends on what you have more of a passion writing about. Do you think you'd have more fun writing a Star Wars story or a MW2 story? Alternatively you can try to do both and see which you prefer.


Hello lovely people just a reminder please check out my new MK1 story that I recently release it would much appreciated if you guys like and share with your other followers.
          Don’t hesitate to leave comments on my book it would mean a lot to hear some feedback and opinions so I can know what I need to work on and what exactly I need to be fix. 
          I’m also going to do other fanfic stories in the upcoming months so message me if you guys have any questions or concerns please let me know and I’ll be very delight to answer them. 
          Have a lovely day!! ❤️❤️


Hello my lovelies 
          I’m deeply sorry for not publishing chapters for my clone wars book. These past few months have been nothing but stressful and tiring for me both mentally and emotionally. 
          I’m recovering from being on my lowest point in life and moving on from the people who I thought were my friends as they often view me as backup to use when they need help but not once did they offer to help me when I was struggling and trying to pick fix myself up. 
          But continuing on from the past, I have finally decided to delete my current books and start over fresh. I’m very sorry for not being more active here just life has been unkind to me. 


@AgentNewMexico Thank you for your support it means a lot to me and looking forward on starting new and fresh.


@mooncalami Sorry to hear about that. Glad you're back though. Speaking from experience, times like that can be rough and it's nice to hear you've gotten back up. Looking forward to your future endeavors.


Do you guys think it’s okay if Anakin is ship with a oc person or should it just be the canon relationship in the Star Wars series. 


@AgentNewMexico Anakin and Lyra (oc) are married and it does tie in with the story. A bit of spoilers, Koto helps Anakin confess his secret relationship with her former padawan. 


@mooncalami I like canon, but I also respect a writer's creative freedom. That being said, if Anakin being with that OC isn't the main focus of that story then it's a toss up. Alternatively, you could create an entirely different OC for your original OC to be with might be fun. That's something I've had fun with, at least. But, again, it's up to you.


Would anyone mind if I did a story about batmom (my oc) spending time with her batboys and husband Bruce Wayne. 
          Note: This is the first time Damian meets her.
          I’m not sure if I have to follow the comic Batman lore or can I make it my own version.
          Please leave a comment on your guys thoughts. It makes me happy to read your guys feedback/ opinions. They give me some good insight on things and what to add in. 
          Enjoy my lovelies ❤️


@AgentNewMexico thanks  for the advice. It’s been stressful lately with work and school but I have  been reading stories to relax myself from the anxiety and stress.


@mooncalami In my experience, if this is a story that you would like to do, just do it. The interest will find you.