
          	discord:Bush your old news now~
          	Me:oh...what's Wattpad?.......OH! *looks at Wattpad after millions of years* ...woah...still looks the same XD 
          	In other words I'm back!...kinda -v-


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Ehehe funny story um 
          A week ago we lost our cat. She ran outside and didn't come back buuut the night after I saw her in my room but the next morning she was gone! Sooo she was gone for a couple of days and randomlyy mom opened the back door for a second so she pulled the curton out the way and saw our cat just sitting there waiting. We let her in and after that she is never aloud outside XD but then the next day my mom and brother took our turtle outside UNETENDED!- and they didn't even put him in a box. But our back yard is huge so their like "he won't get far" but then after 10 minutes my brother goose out to get him and then he comes back and say "the turtle is gone-" -_- WTF DID YOU THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN? HE WAS JUST GONNA SIT THERE IN THE GRASS NO PROBLEM AT ALL NO!! THAT FUCKER WANTED TK ESCAPE AND GE DID! So me my brother and mom looked around our back yard for about an hour we were looking over our back fence that leads to a huge forest and we were thinking of climbing back there to look for our turtle. After and hour or so we gave up and went back in. Buut the next day my brother Jermaine came home from his giirrrlfrrieeendddss houusssee and was about to cut the grass in our backyard when he found our fricken turtle -^- my whole family came in my room while I was asleep and I woke up and got so FUCKING scared cause they were all just standing over me and then they put my turtle on me then I was like "yaaaaaaas...." Me still being tired I sounded like a diening cat- XD well that's all-


Um...I don't know what happened...I was in my room working on stuff FINALLY ,and texting my gf but then I just randomly passed I just woke up and my head hurts like hell I was half naked and I have a large cut on my leg...I SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW WHAAT HAPPENED I WASNT DRINKING AT I PROMISE!I just don't know what happened..


I really don't know-