
New chapter of Two Deaths and a Life, and good news- it's a red chapter!
          	You know what that means...
          	Mister Ick's very life depends on your decision making skills! Yay! I bet he's excited!


I promised to have the first 'episode' of Investigations up on the weekend, but I am made a liar of once more. Well, half a liar. I HAVE written the chapter, but it's... Eh. :/
          I know I can do better, so if you'll all keep patiently waiting a few more days, it will hopefully be worth it.
          Sorry, guys.
          Aaaaaand I forgot to write this months chapter for Two Deaths and a Life... I'm going well.
          Oh well, guess I'll just skip this month for that.
          So, in short, I'm going to try to sort all these different things out (I have bitten off much more than I can chew), so everyone has to hold their horses until then. 
          Anywho, have a nice day. :)


As everyone should know by now, I'm terrible. Moderately Confused Angels is being put on hold AGAIN because I want to tidy up the last few chapters. It should be back soon.
          On a happier note, the first installment of Investigations Blah Blah Strange is almost ready! Yay! It should be up by or on this weekend. :)


Wattpad must be Marx's half-brother because it is definitely the spawn of the devil. I lost half of the chapter that was meant to be uploaded today! >:(
          Asgjdgjxggfbxgg!!!!!! Anger! Rage! Argh! 
          Anyways, I'll try to repair what is lost but this probably means that the fifth chapter of Moderately Confused Angels will be up tomorrow instead of today! Dammit! 
          This also means that the first instillation of Investigations Blah Blah Strange will take a bit longer than expected because I'll be busy redoing MCA. 
          Agh! Well, sorry for all that. 
          Technology has bested me once again. :(


@moni_cooke oh nooooes! This is why I always write everything in a word doc first. I can always tweak it for format after I cope and paste it but I don't trust wattpad not to go bork on me mid-paragraph. Good luck with recovery!


Right, so I'm going to try a thing.
          I published 'Investigations into the Fantastical, Paranormal, and Downright Strange' (god, I'm a masochist with titles aren't I?) which is kinda an experimental thing.
          If you write paranormal or fantasy you should probably go check it out :D
          Let's see if it works...


Ugh, I need your help again. How did you post your pictures onto your chapter? Mine keeps saying it must be a link to a blah, blah, blah


@roseheart34  I 'share' it with myself and then save the picture onto my computer. Then I just... Add it?  (Sorry, I'm useless with computery stuff. I have no idea why it works for me and not you)