
So I have this idea where seb and mol adopt twins ( a boy and girl) and take care of them scertly and aaAAAH
          	So like, imagine Seb just ranting to Mol about he always wanted to take care of kids and give them the childhood he never had. So, being the softy mol is to seb, he ends up taking him to an orphanage. So, they end up taking twins who were onr of the oldest kids their. Seb ends up keeping thrm at his house because, yah know, everyone ends up.  going to mols house, so they would find out sooner.
          	Since the kiddos end up getting raised most of the time by seb, they act alot like him when only sebs around, but the girl ends up acting like mol when mol comes over. And the girl trying so hard to act like mol because she looks up to him alot, and the boy just naturally like seb so he doesnt have to try. And out of respect, both of the kids call Seb and Mol dads, Seb being called papa and Mol being called dad.
          	And when the micronations eventually finding out because they come to sebs house when sebs alone with the kiddos and their trying to figure out who else helped raise the twins. (Because their has to be a reason why one of them acts all sassy.) And since mols with them and the twins seeing mol just scream "DAD" and run to him hugging him and it clicks in all there heads.
          	aaAAAH THIS AU IS SO C U T E SAVE M E




So I have this idea where seb and mol adopt twins ( a boy and girl) and take care of them scertly and aaAAAH
          So like, imagine Seb just ranting to Mol about he always wanted to take care of kids and give them the childhood he never had. So, being the softy mol is to seb, he ends up taking him to an orphanage. So, they end up taking twins who were onr of the oldest kids their. Seb ends up keeping thrm at his house because, yah know, everyone ends up.  going to mols house, so they would find out sooner.
          Since the kiddos end up getting raised most of the time by seb, they act alot like him when only sebs around, but the girl ends up acting like mol when mol comes over. And the girl trying so hard to act like mol because she looks up to him alot, and the boy just naturally like seb so he doesnt have to try. And out of respect, both of the kids call Seb and Mol dads, Seb being called papa and Mol being called dad.
          And when the micronations eventually finding out because they come to sebs house when sebs alone with the kiddos and their trying to figure out who else helped raise the twins. (Because their has to be a reason why one of them acts all sassy.) And since mols with them and the twins seeing mol just scream "DAD" and run to him hugging him and it clicks in all there heads.

