
          	I decided to post that message to clear any confusion on why I'm not updating any of my books in a long time


this message may be offensive
Hello if your reading this I am unfortunately not gonna continue any of my stories any more I don't think being a author is the right job for me but it was fun while it lasted I will be posting some shit posts on my gifts and oc book though but that aside I am quitting writing thank you for supporting my books and my account and I'm sorry for letting you all down all of my books involving stories are DISCONTINUED please respect that I will still be around commenting and supporting other author's books here in Wattpad but that's all your gonna see of my unfortunately once again I am sorry for letting you all down but I just don't think being a author is my dream since I don't think I am dedicated and passionate enough about it but I have a lot of author's I admire and love both in and out of Wattpad and I wish to support them all 
          Your ghostly author~(out)