
THX for the follow! 
          just curious, but do you watch pewdiepie?


@kittyzzz No I'm sorry I don't know what that is. It's a show?


@Isaintilus Lol! Like I said it's like it's in my genes to enjoy those things. It's normal here to like it the same way I think Americans like cartoons whatever their age is ^^b


What's it like in Japan? I really really wanna know (I'm having a mini FANGIRL attack right now) I'm a total anime/manga need ^^


@warpninja1357 Lol! Its very clean especially in the city centers which is where you would expect dirt but no, its very busy in Osaka but Tokyo is a much bigger place, when I went there I felt like I was with lots more people, but it was also very nice with lots to do and see. If you're into manga and anime and also electronics, if you go to Tokyo you should try Akiba/Akihabara/Electric Town you will find all your anime and manga merch there ^^


Thank you for following me!! And by the way, YOU'RE FROM JAPAN?!? THATS AWESOME!!! I wanna live there!


@FlyingDiscoKitty You are welcome for the follow. ^^ Oh...I think it's like any where else. Lots of people around compared to America and Europe. Its also more expensive from what I understand.