
Hello? It seems that all of the books that you have written have disappeared. I’m not sure if this is intentional, or accidental. Either way, I thought I should bring it to your attention. Thanks


Thank you for your message, I really appreciate it  It was intentional due to me being an author on wattpad wasn’t as consistent and left the books without updating for months and didn’t want to have new readers coming in only to end up reading a book that wasn’t completed or updated in months. All my books, however, are available to read on Quotev where I’m more active in terms of my writing. Thank you very much for the message and for letting me know 


Hi all! I know most of you are waiting for an update on Level 10 but I am on vacation right now since July 4 until August 8 which I mentioned in Quotev but forgot to announce here on Wattpad. I am currently working on the next chapter and will be updating it when I get back home but in the mean time I have also continued a fanfic I put on hold to work on Level 10. I have just published it onto Wattpad since my main account is my Quotev one and I hope you all read it. It is a Harry Potter fanfic set in both the Marauders Era and Golden Trio Era. I have about eight chapters prewritten so I will be updating it every second day while I update Level 10 once a week.


Books, Nutella, Lasagna and Pizza are my BFF  and I'm in a relationshipS with fictional, anime, and kpop guy but sometimes or most of the times I'm cheating on them with my bed and phone  and oh, I'm a cool sass btch with nerdy cool language. Nice to meet ya 


Oh my gosh....someone who finally gets me 