
It’s been an minute lol


I wish I had the struggle of not being able to decide what hairstyle I want. I hate my hair I can never do anything with it except pick it and go on with my day I wish I had the blessing of long curly hair like my sister but I had to be stuck with the short uncontrollable “curly” hair. I wish I could do my hair in braids without looking crazy or my mom telling me to take them out because they look stupid and awful but when my sister dose it it’s “beautiful” and nicely done. I hate my hair and I hate the way I look with it I look like an boy and kids at my school make fun of it, I’m supposed to love my hair like every black girl online dose with their lose curls or curls that operate well with them I’ve never seen someone online with hair like my texture wise , length wise or porosity wise. I wish I had good hair.