
Konichiwa mina-san... sadly, I've been very sick this week so I wasn't able to write... hu hu hu... so no update today or tomorrow... but I'll do my best to update on wednesday, afterall, I'm following a tight sched for 'The Sky and You'... need to finish it... need to finish it for Oppa's birthday... ♡♡♡


Konichiwa mina-san... sadly, I've been very sick this week so I wasn't able to write... hu hu hu... so no update today or tomorrow... but I'll do my best to update on wednesday, afterall, I'm following a tight sched for 'The Sky and You'... need to finish it... need to finish it for Oppa's birthday... ♡♡♡


Annyeonghaseyo! This is Mitsuki. Almost three months now when 'The Sky and You' has been published. Since then I have been posting updates on a weekly basis. It wasn't easy but it was an amazing experience.
          I know there alot of things that needs to improve, not to mention grammatical error, typo errors and alot more but in time I hope to get better.
          I am writing because I have been thinking of what to do with the story. If by tomorrow it ends, then I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those who have read my story so far and ofcourse the future readers as well. If it doesn't end, well it will continue... ha ha ha... just kidding.✌
          Anyway, thank you so much. To all the readers and future readers, I do hope you enjoy the story till the end.✌


Hi @mitsuki_926,
          Has Belle lost her memory? I’m so curious after I read the story today. I didn’t want to add this as a comment because I thought it would spil other reader’s possible imagination. 
          Hay, what are you planning? She is for JKS not to BB!! Even she lost her memory it’s not difficult to fall for JKS twice. Isn’t it? Of course I would do that, won’t you??? 


I'm glad that you like my comments. I just want to encourage you because that's the least I could do while enjoying your story. Not only this I'll continue to read your  future creations too because I find you are a truly talented writer just like Belle!!!


OK I'll wait and see what's happening next. But I don't personally like too manly guys like BB. You know Belle is a innocent girl so she needs a romantic guy like JKS. It's OK to give BB a chance but I know Belle will find him boring and less romantic! Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. Anyway that's my wish!


I always appreciate how you always leave comment, letting me know how you find each chapter.. I really, really do appreciate it. about your question.. yes she did... maybe she fall off from mount hakodate and hit her head or something.. hahaha.. just kidding✌