
Happy Birthday Yoongi~♡ !


the last chapter of ERROR will be out really soon before I continue my hiatus since I don't want y'all to wait (if there is even-), while I should pause for LOLITA since I really ran out of motivation to continue the story, so i thought i should take a little hiatus since I've been really busy this month especially with a ton of school works that I need to finish. I will note my last words (not to be dramatic wth) in the last chap of ERROR before I proceed on to my hiatus. see you soon lovelies, lots of loves to yo ❤️ !


@Cloudy_Taehyung thank you very muchh, this really motivated me alot to finish the last chap! 


@xiupinipanda aww thank you ~ love lotssss


Yay I was wait author please don’t pressure yourself 


ugh i swear, error is so messy rn, there's so many misspellings and some sort that i needed to edit them haha. don't worry, I'll not unpublish it though, it will be stayed available !


@Broken_hearts091 ahhh, thank you! I'll sure download it.


@LUNACOLOGY you can download Grammarly... 
            it helps a lot...


now editing LOLITA !  sorry from the sudden decision but i had too, but y'all don't need to worry as the plot will still remain as it is. i just want to recommend you to read the chapter from the top, but if y'all don't want to then there's nothing i can do with it lol. have a nice day !  love you ~ ♡


idk, but it seems that i need to unpublish my book 'LOLITA' as there's seems a lot of plot holes and the plot is also really messy and stuff. so, is it okay for you guys if i unpublish the book as of now? besides, there's not a lot of you reading my book so yeah but in the future, i hope you'll read and support my book including "ERROR" as much as i love supporting my favorite authors !  love you ~  mwah ♡