
Hey guys, I know I've been offline for a while now. Have like a shitload of work. And it's going to be a while for me to post but i just wanted to let you lovelies know. 


@mistdewlove  hi . Do you plan to continue the story?


Guys. It's so amazing to see my story progressing so much. I love all the love I'm receiving. And I love all of you guys too. But I'd love it more if you guys would spread my story and send it to others. It motivates me so much more. So do me this huge favor and spread the love and my story. 
          And don't worry. I most definitely will be updating more often. 
          Lots of Love...❤


Guys. I am so sorry for not updating. I have been so busy with college. I still am. My exams are starting from tomorrow and I have no clue as to how I'm gonna be doing. But I promise to update in a few days time. Please bear with me and thank you so very much for reading my story and giving me your love. I love you guys too....