
To everyone who has followed me recently, thank you. I hope you enjoy my stories. Feel free to message me any time if you need to or just wanna talk!! ^.^


So like, i have a story idea from rewatching episodes of the demon slayer anime (Nezuko is my new waifu. Must protect)
          But my story idea involves a family who have always wanted kids. They give birth to a boy (no name ideas yet). When their son turned 5 they decided to try again to try and give birth to a baby girl. After several failed attempts they go to a doctor to see what could help. After more failed attempts they decide to research online for ways to help. They come across an old ritual to help them. Both of them feeling like they could slowly give up they decide to give in and try it. To their surprise they are pregnant with a baby girl. But things didn't go as easy as the first pregnancy. The doctors couldn't even figure out what was going on till the baby was born. After several months of struggling with their new baby girl they had a thought in the back of their mind that everything that had been happening could be a result of the ritual they found online. After looking in to it they uncovered that they had messed up the most important part of the ritual and their daughter had been cursed by a demon and on her 18th birthday she will be taken from them. To protect her and everyone else they had sealed her off from the world. 
          Yay or nay on my shitty story idea? XD


@ miss-diabolik  Yay! (I know it's Old but i really like that idea for this story[and sorry if my English sucks])