
Moikkeliis! Työt siis alko tänää ja oon ihan hiton väsyny, mutta siitä en tullut jauhamaanxD Ajattelin kysästä, että kiinnostaiskohan ketään uusi luku, jos vaikka huomenna viimestään julkaisisin? 


Hi Mira!
          I hope you don’t mind me doing this — I know that advertisements can be annoying. But I quite often see you leaving cute and funny comments on other books on Wattpad. I have a YA book that I think you might enjoy, and thought I’d leave a link in case you want to check it out ♥️I describe it as a MEAN GIRLS x INSATIABLE x PLL mash up. 
          If you don’t want to check it out, that’s ok too. Either way, I hope that you have a lovely week:)


Thank you for being so sweet! I can already tell that I will enjoy your readership :) All the best to you 


@xdanielletee Hey! Of course I don't mind I'm always up to finding something new to read! I'm totally gonna check your book out! Thank you for contacting me(: Hope u have a wonderfull week aswell