


          Yes, I'm pretty much alive. :p
          Found some time and worked on the next part that I just published.
          For people who were asking about the update, the New chapter is out. Do give it a read and keep supporting like you do.
          Much love,
          MJ :)


My apologies if this offends you 
          I'm humbled to share with you my poetry collection will be glad if give me a sincere feed back on my works but if you ain't intrested too that's fine thanks for
           your time(Recommend you start reading from the last)Please have a nice day.


❣︎Hey there<3 You know, every once in a while someone amazing comes into your life. And here I am... you're welcome (◡ ω ◡)
          ❥︎☽︎*Clears throat* ok so if you're the only version of yourself, doesn't that make you  and limited edition?◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗
          ❥︎☽︎Start by starting. Yeah, now read that again and start with whatever you gotta do◉‿◉
          ❥︎☽︎Life isn't a fairytale. If you lose your shoe at midnight, you're drunk O-O
          ❥︎☽︎If they treat you like an option, leave them like a choice╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭
          ❥︎☽︎Life's short. Smile while you still have teethʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
          ❥︎☽︎Speak what you feel and never be sorry for being right.

          ☾︎❣︎That's it for the day! Hope you're doing well, if not, remember that it's just a bad chapter, not your whole story. I'm here if you wanna talk or vent^^ keep safe, take care, lots of love❣︎☽︎


Haii~ Yes, yes I’m very much alive and back with my annoying dose of positivity. You can’t get rid of me that soon don’t worry(◡ ω ◡)

          ☄️Somebody out there is holding their breath and waiting for you to fail. Make sure that they suffocate( ̄ヘ ̄)
          ☄️You’re the artist of your own life. Don’t hand the paintbrush to anyone elseಠ_ʖಠ
          ☄️If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquitoರ_ರ
          ☄️When something goes wrong in your life, just yell: PLOT TWIST, and move on(*❛‿❛)→
          ☄️Doubting yourself is normal. Letting it stop you is a choice⊙﹏⊙
          ☄️You know, today I bought a packet of salted nuts and on the packet it read: “Warning, may contain nuts.” Well I’d be disappointed if I open the packet and a sock fell off(─.─)
          ☄️If we aren't meant to have midnight snacks, then why is there a light in the fridge? O_o
          Sksk I think these are enough for the day. I hope you’re doing okay and if not, remember that this isn’t the end. You’ve a long way to go still, just make sure to put on a smile while on it. I’m here if you want to talk or vent. Take care <3


Hey beautiful people.!!
          Hope you're having a good day. :)
          Ever wondered what goes on in the minds of kids who get bullied by a bunch of other kids? There are so many kids even today battling with the bullies. Degrading a kid in front of his whole class kills the confidence in him. And they say, "It is just for fun. Our seniors did it to us so we follow the tradition." Shame on their part.
          There are many incidents where at first what started to be a source of fun turned out to be a disaster that left lives to be rotting in guilt.
          It's a request. If you ever see anyone being harassed in front of your eyes please help them. Your one act may safe a life.
          Stand up for what's right and fight for it.
          Do good, be good. :)
          Stay safe.


this message may be offensive
*sneaks into your mb* Psstt, hai there another beautiful creation of God! I'm here to hand you something, guess what?

          ☾︎❣︎Masterpieces aren't finished in a day so don't expect yourself to grow that fas ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)
          ❣︎☽︎Arguing with stupid people is like trying to kill a mosquito on your cheek. You might or might not kill it but you'll end up slapping yourself for sure (ಠ_ಠ)
          ☾︎❣︎Don't feel bad if someone rejects you. People usually reject expensive things and go for the cheap ones¯\_༼ᴼل͜ᴼ༽_/¯
          ❣︎☽︎ No matter how big a hammer you use, you can't pound common sense into stupid people
          ( • ‿ • )
          ☾︎❣︎Shortest horror story? Monday, duh.
          ❣︎☽︎Hey there, I'm not crazy. I'm just special yk? wait maybe I'm crazy. One second I need to talk to myself about this. Hold up...O_O
          Still couldn't guess what it is? It's a S M I L E. I gotta go now, hope you're doing well. I'm always here if you want to talk or if you're down! Baii baii, take care~


@_Noe_moon Thank you.!! Hope you're doing well too. :)