
Thank you for following me!!


Thanks for the followback too!! :D


Hello comrade,
          I see what u did with ur profile name. I miss her too TT.
          Since ur space of conversation here seems empty, I’ll fill it.
          Our dearest Pome-nim has been offline for a long time and we, her fans, have been missing her ever since. Though let’s keep in mind we have her masterpieces to read over and over again.
          Let’s both hope that Pome will recover from whatever she’s facing. Till then, let’s wait together, yeah?
          @pumpkinofmyeye, we’ll wait for u, so be strong yeah?
          That’s all from ur fellow comrade. Let’s stay strong together!
          (The girl that likes POME too)


Omg u r definitely right abt the no-one-reads-the-feed!  let’s pray for the best for pome-Nik TT


@yuutsunaoi I really miss herrrrrr!!!!!  Like I know we have her stories to remind us of her (lol what am I saying-- I really miss her smh) But you know, haissst. Theres no words I can think of than just I miss her and I hope she's fine... 
            And I wanna thank you for putting a something for my dry message board :) I'm just not a type to put up something in my feed since I know no one would respond to them anyway.. ^-^'' And dw I would obviously be with u on waiting for @pumpkinofmyeye -nim to say hi to us, whenever~~~ 
            I hope you stay safe~~