
BNHA roleply anyone?


Uh, just wanted to say hi, and ask how you're doing, thought I might as well.
          Also, just to let you know, your link on your bio is broken, sadly.


@minimandy567 Yeah, alright, I can work with that!
            First one I though of : Paradise' Reward, and Sinner's Barren, for goddess, and devil's worlds respectively. Both are inspired by how the worlds are. So while Paradise' Reward is peaceful, likely with little woe in it. Sinner's Barren is, of course, dead-looking, and likely barren because of it.
            The second one I thought of is inspired by the rebirth thing. Un Autre Essai Land is that. 'Un Autre Essai' is another try in french (as confirmed by Goggle Translate, and other sites) could be used for either, or if the worlds are connected now, or something.
            Aucune Chance Land, no chance in french, (as confirmed by Google Translate), could be used for the devil's world, as a play off of the other name.
            If you need any more ideas for the names, feel free to ask! :) And you can rework the names in anyway you want, if you need to.


@Donut-bunny Hmm. It is a world that I guess you can say where people that have died are rebirthed as angel's or devil's. The goddess world can be decribed as peaceful and lively. While the underworld is what you can describe as lively yet dead looking.


@minimandy567 Yeah, sure. Could you tell me a bit about their world though? (Like, what species their residents are, what it's like though, etc.)